Friday, October 29, 2010


As the conclusion to our Fall Festival we had an old fashioned tent meeting. Our normal Sunday evening service is at 6:00 PM, but for this out door meeting we moved it up a bit to 4:30 PM. This was to insure that there was enough light and that it didn't get too chilly as the dusk falls earlier this time of year.
Our pastor spoke on the joy of knowing one's salvation is secure in Jesus Christ. Speaking from John 3:16, we were once again reminded of God's great love for us that He sent His only son Jesus to pay the penalty required for sin. There was singing and special music, it was a very nice service.

After the service concluded, we all headed back up the hill to the fellowship hall where we enjoyed a time of fellowship and of course food.
This was a great event, can't wait until next year.

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