Sunday, June 26, 2011

The itches

For a couple of weeks I have been getting up early and going out to work in the yard while it's cool enough to be outside. That first week it was in the 90's quite a bit, but then it cooled off quite nicely.
I had not gotten out to do the spring clean up of the yard, we just had so much rain and things were just wet and yucky. what, that's a word.  So I was quite pleased that the clean up went so well and the yard was looking really good. But as I stood on the porch to survey the tidy little site, I was disturbed by the mess that remained on the north/west corner of the yard. The trash had been hauled away, and there was a wheel barrow and an old swimming pool that we used for the dogs, but that didn't bother me as much as the 5 ft. high weeds. There were a couple of huge stalky looking things and I just wanted them gone.

So I headed out there to the edge of the yard and just stepped on the bottom of the stalk and pushed it down with my foot. That was pretty easy, so I did the other one. There were some more weeds and such, so I pulled and plucked and before you knew it the whole fence line was looking neat and trim. I felt proud, fulfilled. I needed a cold drink and a nap.

That was about Tuesday, on Friday I began to scratch my ankle a lot, and then I noticed a few little tiny blisters on Saturday. Nothing really,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sunday was coming out day. I had a huge red patch on both legs above the ankles, my arms, elbow neck and I think I even have it on my head. Poison Ivy. I hate this stuff and since I am diabetic steroids are not a great option. So I have itched all week, and lost considerable sleep, hence my middle of the night blog posts.
I have used caladryl, hydro cortisone cream and a few other 'home remedies. Nothing has helped much, freezing ice cold water running over the itches seems to help the most.
I am so ready to be over this, I hope it's gone in the morning.

What are my chances?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Father's Day

I know it was last week, don't think I'm senile. You know, sometimes life happens and special occasions can not be celebrated as the calendar dictates.
Last week every one was busy and 'dad' had to work, so we did it tonight. This evening our daughter Dawn and son Bill and his family came for dinner. We enjoyed a very fun time and after dinner we sat around reminiscing about 'classic' dad and mom events. So, not to be out done, Bill and I recited some of our favorite Bill and Dawn stories which resulted in some Kim and Bailey stories. It was a fun evening. It's good to laugh at yourself and the mistakes we've made along the way to where we are. It makes it easier to enjoy the journey.

Earlier today Bailey and I looked through a couple of scrap books. I showed her the old family album that has Bill and me from our infancy through our military service, wedding and early marriage. It was fun for her to see where her family has come from.

I thank God for who He is, and for how He has brought me through my life. He sent His son to die for me and He saved me and He has promised me a home in heaven for ever. I'm glad for my family and for the family of God into which I've been adopted.

I'm Older

A few weeks ago was my birthday. I am now 62 years old, I love it. This is the one that counts. It's the big one. The actual best one. Know why? It's the one where the government pays me. Yep. They start to pay me back for all the years I worked and they took big chunks of my pay check. I am looking forward to drawing Social Security, going into places and getting the senior's discount, and having more time in my life for the important things. Like quilting, scrap booking and just hanging out with my honey and my friends.

Getting older is not bad, but don't be fooled,,,,,,,,,it's not for the faint of heart. Getting older is a challenge, one you can't avoid, and stay alive, that is.

Today I met an acquaintance in a fast food restaurant. I spoke to the young man, calling him by name, but he was confused as to how I knew him. His co worker said "Oh, I bet she's an old teacher of yours." I said "what's up the OLD?" And he quickly amended his comment to former.

It's stuff like that, that you have to watch out for. I know I'm getting older and slower, but I think in many ways I am better than ever. I know my faults and short comings and I do try to get better at being the kind of person people will want to be with, especially my family.

God help me to be the kind of person that is kind and caring to those around me and help me to remember that every one I meet is put there by You.