Saturday, February 12, 2011

Quilt Day

I know I haven't been on here in a while, but I am trying to make some positive changes in my life and that requires time. I don't mean I don't have time to blog. I have just been doing other stuff.
Last Friday was quilt day, and we made our second quilt block of the month. It is called a Star in a Star. My friend Barbara calls it a Star in a Jar. I think she's a hoot.

         This is the block I made last Friday.  With a little help from my friends, OK a lot of help from my     friends. The blue points with the tan "V" in the middle are called ' flying geese'. Who knew?

This is the block I made from my 'Shop Hop' collection on Wednesday. It isn't so much a star in a star. I just could not follow the directions for this one, it was pretty different from the one above. So I gave up and did a nine patch in a star. I like it, though.

You know it is pretty satisfying when you take a pile of fabric and make it into something that will be a useful object. I love this. Sewing is my thing.

Poor teeny tiny little shnicker bunkin toodle doodle Tucker wucker shnucker shnoodle is waiting for his momma to come home from work and get him.

Oh Grammy, when will she come?


Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

I'm impressed. Sewing is definitely your thing! mine is...well that's an item for another day. Love your quilt squares!

Anonymous said...

I see Tucker's made himself comfy in the new chair! LOL


tri2fnsh said...

poor, poor Teeny! I'm just now catching up on this stuff...pooooooor teeny and his bad, bad momma! :-(