Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lazy Snow Days

We got walloped by the 'STORM OF THE CENTURY'. It sounds scary, but having grown up in Buffalo, NY. I don't really see what all the fuss is about.
I shoveled the walk a couple of times yesterday while Max played in the snow and chased his tail and chunks of ice around the yard. Then I came in the house and watched old movies on TCM.
I guess they had a Susan Hayward day. I had never seen these before. There was Stolen Hours, she's dying and marries her doctor. Then The Honey Pot with Rex Harrison. He tricks three former lovers into thinking he's dying. I did that once when I was 10.  My Foolish Heart with Dana Andrews was another one. Where Love has Gone with Betty Davis was pretty good. Mike Conners was in this one, he was cute. I think my favorite of the collection was Top Secret Affair with Kirk Douglas. Oh my goodness he was gorgeous. 
I had not seen any of these before, at least I don't think so. I really enjoyed these even though the 'special effects' were kind of lame compared with what we see today.
Isn't it funny how our language has changed, some of these titles make them sound like very indecent movies. But everyone kept their clothes on and there was hardly,can't think of one, bad language. People used to have class. Now they all have crass.
I wish they would have had I Want to Live. I think I saw this one a long time ago, but can't really remember. I guess that's one of the bonuses of aging. Even if you've done it, seen it, read it, you don't remember. That keeps everything new and exciting.

Seen any good movies lately???


Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Hey, wish I had been there! Remember when you were here and we had a movie day: watched movies out, watched movies in, and ate cheesesteaks and other stuff that was bad for us! Oh my goodness we know how to watch movies.

Sounds like you had quite a storm. Don't worry...according to the scientific season predicting method used in Pennsylvania, we should have an early spring!

We SERIOUSLY need to scrape together a few days to meet before too long!

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Call it ransome if you wish...truth be told, she was a high maintenance kind of chick anyway, so If you want me to take her back, you'll need to kick on a little booty to make it worth my while. Her friends were sold on eBay a few years ago when we we raising adoption money. Only kept her because she was a gift. Here's an idea....nooooooo I'll need to actually talk to you for this one.

It's your move.